Spanish-Syrian writer devoted to social justice


Activism in Syria: the Internet and decentralized communications for social change

Last week I had the opportunity to take part in a conference with a very challenging title: Social Media Heroes”. It was organized by Fundación Telefónica and Aerco, which did an amazing job, providing us with live streaming and simultaneous deaf-mute translation.  I admit that I was hesitant about the title in the beginning, but then I realized that I was going to have a unique chance to present a large audience with some very real heroes:  the Syrian activists who are risking their lives on a daily basis to make a difference in their country, to bring freedom and justice to a context of institutionalized unjustice and repression.


Syrians are doing an outstanding  job trough their use of technology and the Internet to register and share what is happening in one of the most closed and repressive countries in the world. They´re not only working on making change happen but they are also narrating and sharing their own history. In my presentation,  “Activism in Syria: the Internet and decentralized communications for social change” I went through some of the threats activists face, how they protect themselves and the continuing battle between freedom and repression online and offline. Please let me know what you think!



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